Next-Generation Learning: How Do We Get There from Here?

Monday, February 04 | 3:45PM–4:30PM | Plaza Ballroom ABC
Session Type: Professional Development
What does tech-enabled next-generation learning mean to you, and what does it look like on your campus? What excites you most about the potential it offers? What is your greatest concern about if the innovations we're seeing today-MOOCs, online degrees, digital texts, mobile learning-were to be widely used? What might be lost? What does an institution that actively supports and accelerates next-generation learning look like? What are some signals coming from your campus that tech-enabled next-generation learning is showing results in terms of student outcomes? In a truly student-centered and learning-focused approach to education, traditional notions of a higher education campus, faculty, credit policies, and other structures need to change. But how do we get there from here?


  • Nancy Millichap

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