Designing the Future of Portfolio-Based, Connected E-Learning
This interactive session will begin with a kick-off exercise during which attendees will consider the professional attributes necessary for success in next-generation "connected" e-learning design. The brainstorming session will be followed by a case study on the "backward design" of a fully online master's degree program intended to prepare teachers and academic technology professionals for this future. Attendees will consider learning principles and curriculum design practices that foster connected, experiential learning. Participants will also receive a booklet that includes exemplars of curriculum design maps, program-level learning outcomes, signature assignments, and online resources aimed at orienting students to the concept of outcomes-oriented learning.
OUTCOMES: Learn about applying the concept of backward design to program development and aligning curriculum and course assessments with program-level outcomes * Learn about connecting academic and workplace-based study through experiential learning * Learn how to create online and portfolio learning environments that support connected, experiential learning * Learn how to create online and portfolio environments to engage students and faculty in examining evidence of learning, for the purposes of formative and summative assessment
Senior Associate Director for Strategic Development, Center for Advancing Teaching and Learning Through Research, Northeastern University