Diving Deep into Data: Motivations, Perceptions, and Learning in Minnesota MOOCs

Tuesday, February 04, 2014 | 10:15AM–11:00AM | Belle Chasse
Session Type: Professional Development
We will present the results of a four-month research project in which we collected instructor and student data from the University of Minnesota's first five MOOCs during the summer of 2013. This large-N study draws on pre- and posttest course data to offer an empirically grounded picture of who takes MOOCs and why, the factors that affect completion rates, and the impact of MOOCs on student learning. Additionally, data on MOOC production and delivery efforts and cross-course comparisons will be offered.


  • D. Christopher Brooks

    Senior Analyst, The Tambellini Group
  • J. D. Walker

    Research Associate, University of Minnesota

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