Flipping the Classroom with lynda.com

Tuesday, February 04, 2014 | 11:00AM–1:00PM | Court Assembly Foyer
Session Type: Professional Development
Advances in technology have inspired teachers to replace textbooks, pursue the flipped classroom, and embrace the "cloud." These innovations—free, open source, and third party—have liberated teachers to rethink the traditional classroom and to consider the introduction of complementary resources such as lynda.com online video instruction covering technology, creative, and business skills. Teachers and students are redefining learning and creating blended learning environments that combine face-to-face with online activities and supplement curricula. Join us to evaluate academic options that extend learning, making instruction available anytime, anywhere.

OUTCOMES: Learn how online instruction can supplement classroom curricula * Learn how students can use technology to learn at their own pace * Learn how lynda.com provides 24/7 access to a wide range of technology, creative, and business skills tutorials
