Promoting Situated Learning with Mobile Devices: The TourGuide Project

Wednesday, February 05 | 9:30AM–11:00AM | Court Assembly Foyer
Session Type: Professional Development

Using mobile devices to promote situated learning opportunities provides opportunities for constructivist learning. TourGuide is a web-based application that leverages HTML5 to create a mobile environment capable of supporting student-created tours. This presentation will outline projects involving TourGuide that allow students to use the entire campus as their classroom, exploring ideas and artifacts in their original contexts.

OUTCOMES: Make the case for the power of mobile-based situated learning * Generate awareness of our tool, which supports student learning in this manner * Contribute to an understanding of the powerful learning experiences that can be had by experiencing artifacts in their authentic context


  • Scott Schopieray

    Assistant Dean for Academic Technology and Scholarly Engagement, Michigan State University
  • Stephen Thomas

    Curriculum Developer, Michigan State University

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