Proving Innovation Effective: How Three NGLC Projects Improved Outcomes for Students
In the spirit of ELI's Seeking Evidence of Impact program, this session will engage the teaching and learning community in a consideration of what works when gathering evidence of the impact of innovation. Project leaders from the University of Michigan, California State University, Northridge, and Chattanooga State Community College are among the Next Generation Learning Challenge's first 29 grantees whose completed projects were judged by an independent SRI review to have produced statistically significant gains in student success. These project leaders will share scenarios from their work and invite participants into the decision making that ultimately led to these strong results.
OUTCOMES: Develop a sense of which project design elements must be included up front in order to measure success after an innovation has been applied * Get tips on developing effective questions for determining if an innovation works, why it works, and for whom it works * Gain insights into working and collaborating successfully with independent researchers and institutional research officers
Arthur Thurnau Professor of Physics, Astronomy, and Education, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Nancy Millichap
John Squires
Katherine Stevenson
Professor of Mathematics, Director of Developmental Mathematics, California State University, Northridge