Supporting Students with Data and Technology

Tuesday, February 04 | 2:30PM–3:15PM | Jasperwood
Session Type: Professional Development

Making Data Accessible to Diverse Populations of Students
Ibrahim Dahlstrom-Hakki, Research and Education Specialist, Landmark College
Data literacy is an increasingly important part of our modern global lives and has become critical to almost every field of study. Yet research shows that most adults tend to incorrectly interpret data and rarely use data to make informed decisions. It is therefore not surprising that many students struggle to develop fluency in interpreting data and working with statistics. This session will provide information and hands-on experience with a new approach that uses the software TinkerPlots to teach statistics to at-risk populations of college students. This work is funded by NSF RDE Grant HRD-1128948.

OUTCOMES: Learn about a new approach to teaching statistics and data literacy developed for diverse populations of students * View the results of pilot testing of our approach * Learn how to reorganize and interpret data through a live demo of a classroom activity using TinkerPlots software

Teaching and Technology Decisions to Support a Campus in an Ever-Changing Environment
Angela Hammons, Manager Educational Technology, Missouri University of Science and Technology
With technology and the way education is delivered changing rapidly, how do you know what services and technology are needed on your campus to support teaching and learning? This presentation will lead you through the processes that Missouri S&T used to determine the changing needs on our campus, how we formed partnerships across campus, and how we implemented a new service for students. You will have an opportunity to brainstorm with other session participants as well as see how S&T underwent this process to implement rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing experiences with 3D printing on our campus.

OUTCOMES: Explore the value of developing partnerships across campus for successful service implementations * Create services that matter to students and support teaching and learning * Learn from our demo of 3D printing


  • Angie Hammons

    Technology Resource Director, University of Missouri
  • Greg Smith

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