The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Side of BYOD in the College Classroom
Tuesday, February 04 | 2:30PM–4:30PM | Court Assembly Foyer
Session Type:
Professional Development
This poster will discuss the benefits of BYOD in an undergraduate classroom. Using the analytic software by ExamSoft as a model of electronically administering exams in the classroom, the potential benefits to students will be considered: smooth delivery of the assessment, instant feedback to students, and a detailed report of student success and trouble areas. Results from two surveys given to two pilot classes, which also reveal difficulties with BYOD in the college classroom, will be presented. In addition, both the digital divide that persists in college settings and student attitudes about technology and assessment in the classroom will be highlighted. In conclusion, recommendations for closing these gaps and best practices for implementing BYOD at the college level will be given.
OUTCOMES: Learn about student learning assessment best practices * Understand how to implement BYOD in the classroom * Learn about student learning assessment software