What You Shouldn't Ask about Online Learning

Tuesday, February 04, 2014 | 12:30PM–1:15PM | Rosedown
Session Type: Professional Development

The panelists will address four questions on the effectiveness and quality of online learning in the present context of higher education: How can I harness the power of disruption? Should I MOOCify my course? Will teaching online adversely impact my evaluations? Is it scalable? The questions are centered on issues that appear to be driving the higher education research agenda; however, on closer examination, there is the possibility of unintended consequences with each.


OUTCOMES: Understand disruptive innovation as well as positive and negative unanticipated side effects * Gain a brief overview of MOOC positives and negatives and how a MOOC differs and can evolve from an online class * Learn about the effect of course modality on student evaluations of instruction and what students value in "excellent instructors" * Gain an awareness of issues surrounding scalability * Connect with others and engage in ongoing dialogue on these issues


  • Gardner Campbell

    Associate Professor of English, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Charles Dziuban

    Director RITE, University of Central Florida
  • Patsy Moskal

    Director, RITE, University of Central Florida
  • George Otte

    Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, CUNY School of Professional Studies

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