Exciting Designs from the Breakthrough Models Academy 2014

Wednesday, February 11 | 9:30AM–10:15AM | Pacific A, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Next generation model designers representing several teams from the Breakthrough Models Academy 2014 will share plans for technology-enabled projects to significantly change the landscape of higher education.

OUTCOMES: Learn about fresh thinking on approaches to student and institutional success * Learn what is possible when institutional representatives collaborate * Meet current and emerging leaders in the education innovation space


  • Tammi Cooper

    Executive Vice President, Learning and Innovation, Bryan University
  • Shelley Dixon

    Acting Assistant Vice President/Academic Affairs, SUNY Empire State University
  • Dustin Hilt

    Director, HBS Live Online Programming, Harvard Business School
  • Jill Leafstedt

    Interim Dean of Extended University & AVP for Digital Learning, California State University, Channel Islands
  • Holly Morris

    Principal, Summit Strategies
  • Kim Round

    Instructor, Harvard University
  • Kelvin Thompson

    Vice Provost for Online Strategy and Teaching Innovation, University of Louisville

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