Monday, February 09, 2015 | 4:00PM–4:45PM | California B, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
More Than a MOOC: Designing a MOOC for General Education Credit
Kate Elizabeth Miffitt, Director of Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship, The Pennsylvania State University
In order to explore the sustainability and potential of learning at scale, Penn State's College of the Liberal Arts offered a general education credit course in a MOOC platform at a reduced tuition rate in summer session 2014. The course provided an opportunity not only to explore MOOCs' revenue potential but also to deliver a unique learning experience to Penn State students, connecting them to thousands of learners all over the world. In this session, we'll discuss the administrative obstacles, the design and development process, the course delivery, and lessons learned from this project.

OUTCOMES: Identify potential administrative roadblocks to delivering a MOOC as a credit course * Recognize challenges specific to designing for learning at scale * Discuss strategies for the sustainability of MOOCs

Scaffolding Problem-Centered Collaborative Inquiry in a Large Online Class
Yan Shen, Instructional Designer, NC State University
We redesigned a problem-centered collaborative inquiry project for a large online class by integrating technology scaffolds and peer interactions to enhance students' critical thinking when identifying gender-related challenges and proposing interventions. A Google Sites template was designed to scaffold thinking and collaboration. A discussion forum was used for guided peer review of challenges and interventions. According to a class survey and project assignments, students demonstrated higher-order thinking skills as they followed the technology-based scaffolds to identify gender-related challenges, brainstorm interventions, and justify decisions. They also considered and incorporated alternative ideas from peers to refine their challenges and interventions.

OUTCOMES: Recognize characteristics of a problem-centered inquiry project * Name three sources of scaffolding in an online learning environment * Describe scaffolding strategies supported by Google Sites and peer interactions


  • Cathy Holsing

    Director, Office for Digital Learning, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Kate Miffitt

    Chief Digital Experience & Engagement Officer, University of California, Office of the President
  • Yan Shen

    Lead Instructional Designer, North Carolina State University

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