Multimedia Group Work in the Online Course: Digital Media Literacy, Scaffolding, and Successful Collaboration

Wednesday, February 11, 2015 | 11:15AM–12:00PM | California Pavilion Promenade, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Group work can be a particular challenge for online learners. Multimedia projects, carefully structured, can reduce group work challenges. At Bucks County Community College, faculty professional development in digital media literacy enables faculty to create effective media assignments for groups. In a team-taught, online, multidisciplinary course on social media, the instructors ask groups, most of which never meet face-to-face and many of which never communicate synchronously, to create video mashups. Thoughtful scaffolding of lower-risk assignments and discussions, digital media literacy instruction and support, and generous use of social media tools facilitate effective student collaboration and learning.

OUTCOMES: Learn how to establish a foundation for training faculty in digital media literacy skills * Learn how to structure online courses to ensure successful group work * Learn how to use online learning and social media tools to promote student engagement


  • Jackie Burger

    Associate Professor, Learning Technologies Librarian, Bucks County Community College
  • Bill Hemmig

    Dean, Learning Resources and Online Learning, Bucks County Community College
  • Maureen McCreadie

    Professor of Communication, Arts Department, Bucks County Community College

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