Prescribing Innovation: An Approach to Enhancing Faculty Development Using the Social Web

Monday, February 09 | 3:15PM–4:00PM | California Pavilion Promenade, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development

Providing accessible resources for faculty to learn about, adopt, and reflect on innovative pedagogy is critical to the success of a curricular transformation that shifts from primarily lecture-based methods to those that are predominantly active and engaged. This poster session will present an evolving approach to faculty development that harnesses the social web to amplify outreach, communicate faculty best practices, and foster opportunities for connected learning.

OUTCOMES: Identify social web tools that can enhance faculty development programming * Reflect on the challenges for engaging faculty across distance and time * Examine an approach to foster an online community of practice


  • Kenneth Warren

    Assistant Professor and Instructional Technologist for Medical Education, Virginia Commonwealth University

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