Searching for "Free and Better": Evaluating the Efficacy of Open Educational Resources

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 | 12:45PM–1:30PM | Pacific B, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
When Mercy College piloted open educational resources (OER) in College Algebra through the NGLC-funded Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative, offering a free textbook alternative wasn't enough. Instead, "free and better" became the mantra, along with systematic measurement testing the efficacy of OER. When passing rates improved from 48% to 69% in three semesters, all sections shifted to OER. This session will introduce an OER efficacy calculator including metrics such as learning outcomes per dollar and INcreased Tuition Revenue through Open (INTRO), developed through the experiences of Mercy College and others to aid academic leaders exploring the benefits of OER versus commercial materials.

OUTCOMES: Appreciate the importance of measuring efficacy for courseware * Gain a clear, straightforward framework for evaluating the comparative efficacy of any set of course materials, particularly OER compared to commercial textbooks


  • Tori Mondelli

    Director, Teaching for Learning Center, University of Missouri

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