Social Network Analysis of Microblogging in a Connectivist Massively Open Online Course (cMOOC)

Tuesday, February 10 | 2:30PM–3:15PM | California Pavilion Promenade, Second Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
This poster will characterize the microblogging patterns seen during a recent connectivist massively open online course (cMOOC), which was open to the public but designed for undergraduate students enrolled in a 200-level writing and research course at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. A social network analysis provides information on patterns of instructor, nonstudent, and student participation and raises questions about the purpose and character of unstructured Twitter-mediated discussions in connected learning experiences. The experience of conducting the social network analysis and its potential as an assessment tool for future connected learning experiences will also be discussed.

OUTCOMES: Characterize microblogging patterns in the context of a cMOOC * Reflect on the intended role of microblogging in connected learning environments * Discuss use of social network analysis as an assessment tool for community-based online learning


  • Laura Gogia

    Research Director, Learning Tech.s & Students, The Tambellini Group

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