5 Things You Should Know About Digital Badges

Wednesday, February 03, 2016 | 3:30PM–4:15PM | Texas Ballroom Foyer, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Student learning happens everywhere, not just inside the classroom. How can we ensure that students actually learn from extracurricular activities? Digital badges are one solution to this dilemma. To demonstrate digital badges as a means of assessment and microcredentialing tool, we ran a digital badge pilot for our scientific computing workshops. Student feedback and participant data collected throughout the pilot program showed promising results. We will share the practical aspects of preparing and running a digital badge program and propose five things you should know about digital badges for assessing student learning outside the classroom.

OUTCOMES: Address challenges you may face in motivating and assessing student learning through extracurricular activities * Explore possible solutions and practical aspects to be considered for a digital badge program


  • Jeho Park

    Director of Murty Sunak Quantitative and Computing Lab, Claremont McKenna College

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