Advanced and Connected Approaches to Faculty Development
Tired of many outreach and programming e-mails without responses? This session will explore a social network approach for faculty outreach and engagement. Intended for educators involved with faculty development, we will explore Dartmouth College's Educational Technologies' outreach and engagement with the faculty of the undergraduate arts and sciences and other college partners as a case study. In this session, participants will identify people of influence, patterns in connections, and implications for outreach strategies.
OUTCOMES: Identify people of influence on your campus and draw a map of influencers and connections * Identify tools to track and analyze faculty engagement * Develop strategies for faculty engagement
Supporting Campus Initiatives with Advanced Faculty Development: Unanticipated Benefits
In this session, participants will learn how one university developed a cadre of expert online faculty who provide mentoring, assist with course reviews, and produce scholarship on the efficacy of online offerings. The initiative was driven by requests from faculty for advanced training opportunities, and the resulting model not only provided training but also promoted the development of engaged and well-informed faculty experts. This ultimately led to increased faculty satisfaction, the emergence of faculty leaders in the development of our online programing, and the implementation of effective pedagogical strategies in online courses and programs.
OUTCOMES: Acquire strategies for developing a cadre of faculty leaders. * Identify opportunities for advanced faculty development on your campus * Apply the provided framework to develop an action plan on your their campus