Horizon Report 2016: Trends, Challenges, and Technology
Horizon Report 2016: Trends, Challenges, and Technology
Thursday, February 04, 2016 | 12:00PM–1:00PM | Texas Ballroom Salon ABC, Fourth Floor
Session Type:
Professional Development
Join the New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative for the official release of the Horizon Report for Higher Education. The result of a longtime collaboration between these two organizations, the report is released at the ELI Annual Meeting in this special session each year. Larry Johnson, Bryan Alexander, and Veronica Diaz will explore the trends, challenges, and emerging technologies that will be impacting higher education teaching and learning over the next five years. In the session, we'll also be announcing the winners of the Horizon Report video competition.
Bryan Alexander
Senior Scholar, Georgetown University
Veronica Diaz
Senior Director, Professional Learning and Develop, EDUCAUSE