Space: The Final Frontier

Thursday, February 04 | 11:15AM–12:00PM | Texas Ballroom Foyer, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Do physical surroundings influence teaching? What impact does our environment have on learning? How intentional is space and setup in our pedagogy? Space—how we control or are controlled by it—and its role in teaching and learning is worth examining as we strive to advance student learning and engagement. Using an "Instant Challenge" modeled after Destination Imagination, this session will engage participants actively in designing learning environments to promote an understanding of how space shapes the work we do and how students experience their time in the classroom. Be prepared for some fast-paced, hands-on collaborative challenges!

OUTCOMES: Work collaboratively to design your own learning space using materials provided * Learn how to address "obstacles" in learning space design * Participate in a hands-on activity that can be reused to foster faculty conversation about learning spaces


  • Krissy Lukens

    Director of Academic Technology, St. Norbert College