The Future of Place-Based Learning in a Virtual World

Wednesday, February 03, 2016 | 12:45PM–1:30PM | Texas Ballroom Salon ABC, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Residential colleges rely heavily on a sense of place in recruiting and retaining students. Their small scale strongly shapes how technology and teaching interconnect. Join this featured session panel in a lively discussion on what small colleges have to offer the rest of academia and educational technology.

Outcomes: Examine the future of the residential higher education experience * Exchange provocative opinions on aspects of place-based education in a digital world * Consider the implications of technology on student residential and academic life


  • Bryan Alexander

    Senior Scholar, Georgetown University
  • Rae Clemmons

    Leader, Higher Education BD & Strategy, Amazon Web Services
  • Diane Graves

    University Librarian Emerita, Trinity University
  • Joe Murphy

    Director of the Center for Innovative Pedagogy, Kenyon College

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