The Immersive Digital Scholarship Institute as a Catalyst for Academic Transformation

Thursday, February 04, 2016 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Texas Ballroom Salon F, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development

All manner of higher education institutions seek to engage students in taking ownership in the learning process. Undergraduate-faculty research, particularly digital scholarship, can be a catalyst for transformation. We will detail outcomes from personal reflection and survey data from the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS), a week-long immersive digital scholarship workshop attended by 23 egalitarian teams of faculty, students, technologists, and librarians. ILiADS created a model instilling in students a sense of agency as "co-researchers" and leading them to found the Undergraduate Network for Research in the Humanities (UNRH). The discussion will cover aspects of ILiADS applicable to any institution.

OUTCOMES: Identify strategies for building community of practice to support digital scholarship at your institution * Develop pedagogical/research models for digital scholarship for your institution * Identify research/dissemination practices regarding digital scholarship's impact


  • Kristen Eshleman

    Vice President of Library & Information Technology, Trinity College

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