Tough Questions: An Open Debate about How Unizin Institutions Can Become the Center of Innovation

Thursday, February 04, 2016 | 10:30AM–11:15AM | Republic, Fourth Floor
Session Type: Professional Development
Unizin has made strides to begin taking back control of digital learning ecosystems, and spur innovation. However, some have dismissed Unizin as a failed attempt. This point-counterpoint discussion will feature the Unizin CEO and board members and e-Literate staff . The panel will address tough questions and provide perspectives on the future of digital learning environments. Audience participation will be highly encouraged.

OUTCOMES: * Understand Unizin's strategy to develop and connect a digital learning infrastructure to support student success * Understand how a consortium-driven ecosystem spurs innovation * Articulate the pros and cons of multiple perspectives on the future of digital learning ecosystems


  • Kim Arnold

  • Phil Hill

    Partner, Phil Hill & Associates LLC
  • Bruce Maas

    Honorary Fellow-Information School, University of Wisconsin-Madison