Comparative Approaches to Engage Faculty in Hybrid Course Redesign

On Demand
Session Type: Virtual
Delivery Format: On-Demand

In this interactive session, learn about successful faculty development programs for hybrid/blended course design at two land-grant universities and discover how these programs have evolved. We'll share our successes and pitfalls and visions for future scaling and invite you to share your own experiences with hybrid/blended faculty development. Then we'll discuss ways to overcome barriers to success and brainstorm new strategies to engage faculty in blended course redesign at your institution.

Outcomes: Explore frameworks for supporting hybrid course design that can be customized to match your institution's needs and resources * Apply tools, templates, and planning forms used in successful blended faculty support programs * Connect with colleagues working on hybrid/blended course design to share ideas and resources


  • Erica Fleming

    Assistant Director of Teaching and Learning, College of IST, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Cub Kahn

    Digital Learning Consultant, Oregon State University