
Advisory Board

Thank you to the ELI Annual Meeting Advisory Board.

Andrew Bonamici, Drew University
Amy Collier, Middlebury College
Deborah Keyek-Franssen, University of Colorado System
Steve Sachs, Northern Virginia Community College
David Thomas, University of Colorado Denver
Phil Ventimiglia, Georgia State University
Eddie Watson, Association of American Colleges & Universities

Proposal Reviewers

Thank you to the 2020 ELI Annual Meeting Proposal Reviewers.

Patricia Aceves, Stony Brook University
Joachim Agamba, Idaho State University
Samih Ajrouch, American University of Beirut
Jacob Alden, Occidental College
Rana Al-Ghazzi, American University of Beirut
Julian Allen, Georgia State University
Sam Anderson, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nanette Andersson, Purdue University
Christine Andresen, Medical University of South Carolina
Nate Angell, Hypothesis
Peter Angelos, University of Minnesota Duluth
Amy Archambault, Davidson County Community College
Veronica Armour, Rutgers University
Anne-Marie Armstrong, Freelance
Matthew Aron, Northwestern University
Vartouhi Asherian, CSN
Naazer Ashraf, Lehigh University
Consuella Askew, Rutgers University–Newark
John Augeri, Ile-de-France Digital University (Paris)/Sophia University (Tokyo)
David Ayersman, New River Community and Technical College
Shady Azzam-Gomez, Suffolk County Community College
Lujean Baab, Virginia Tech
Joseph Balducci, George Mason University
Lori Barger, Penn State University
Gloria Barron, Montgomery College, UMUC
Robin Bartoletti, University of North Texas Health Science Center
Kathleen Bastedo, University of Central Florida
Ilana Bayer, McMaster University
Marjorie Bazluki, University of Wisconsin–La Crosse
Annette Beck, The University of Iowa
Cori Biddle, Bridgewater College
Carla Birckelbaw, Illinois State University
Tracey Birdwell, Indiana University
Susan Biro, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kathy Bohnstedt, Northern Virginia Community College
M. Aaron Bond, Virginia Tech
Kristin Bott, Reed College
Tricia Boucher, Texas State University
Mish Boutet, University of Ottawa
Alan Bowen, Franklin & Marshall College
Kyle Bowen, Penn State
Barb Brandt, Emory University
Kim Braxton, Emory University
Sherri Braxton, UMBC
Erin Breitenbach, A. T. Still University
Felix Brito, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Sydney Brown, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Frank Brusca, Southern New Hampshire University
Dana Bryant, Emory University
Tonya Buchan, Colorado State University
Bonnie Budd, Bryant University
Glenn Bunton, University of South Carolina Libraries
Brian Burchett, University of Notre Dame
Jacqueline Burger, Bucks County Community College
Rebecca Burgner, Texas A&M University
David Burns, Baylor University
LeRoy Butler, Lewis University
Tina Calandrino, University of Central Florida
Delores Carlito, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Filiz Carus, Rutgers University, School of Health Professions
Jennifer Cha, St. Edward's University
Lisabeth Chabot, Ithaca College
Andrea Chappell, University of Waterloo
E-Lu Chen, University of Kansas
Jack Chen, Education Consultant
Matthew Clay, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Claudette Cloutier, University of Calgary
Vicki Coleman, North Carolina A&T State University
Danielle Cooper, Ithaka S+R
Connie Corso, Lake Forest College
Scott Coulson, University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg
Steven Crawford, Maricopa Community Colleges
Dionne Curbeam, Coppin State University
David Dahl, University of Maryland
Shawna Dark, CSU Long Beach
Haylee Dass, Butler Community College
Casey Davis, Arizona State University
Sara Davis, Penn State
Lisa Dedrick, Rutgers University
Brenda DeLee, Catawba Valley Community College
Aimee deNoyelles, University of Central Florida
Erin DeSilva, Dartmouth College
Nicole Dettmar, University of Washington
Angela Dick, Penn State
Alison Diefenderfer, Muhlenberg College
Todd Digby, University of Florida
Gia DiGiacobbe, Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
Robert Dillon, School District of University City
Michael Dixon, University of Richmond
Heather Dodds, Exploring the Future of Innovative Learning Environments
John Doherty, Northern Arizona University, Cline Library
Joanne Dolan, Clark University
Gina Donovan, Grinnell College
Marcia Dority, University of Nebraska
Shannon Dowling, Ayers Saint Gross
Barbara Draude, Middle Tennessee State University
Shannon Dunn, University of Florida
Cathi Dunnagan, North Carolina State University
Beth DuPont, Skidmore College
Nadine Edwards, Stevenson University
Phillip Edwards, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Steven Endres, Dominican University
Buddy Ethridge, Louisiana State University
Nancy Evans, Lincoln University
Tom Evans, The Ohio State University
Frank Fan, University of Toronto
John Farquhar, Western Washington University
Rayane Fayed, American University of Beirut
Susan Fein, Oregon State University Ecampus
Andrew Feldstein, Fort Hays State University
Mark Fink, Ithaca College
Ed Finn, Associated Colleges of the Midwest
Maryellen Fitzgibbon, Harvard University
Erica Fleming, The Pennsylvania State University
Tiffany Forrest, FIU Online
Scott Foster, Emory University
Lindsey Freer, Mount Holyoke College
Chad Fulton, University of Texas at Austin
Linda Futch, University of Central Florida
Gemma Garcia, Arizona State University
Carmen Gass, Pennsylvania State University
Amy Gay, Binghamton University
Maya Georgieva, The New School
Navroop Gill, University of Toronto
Neyda Gilman, Binghamton University
David Ginnings, Harvard Chan School of Public Health
Marlee Givens, Georgia Tech
Kim Glover, University of Kansas
Marilyn Goodrich, Penn State University
David Goodrum, Oregon State University
Mike Goudzwaard, Dartmouth College
Rebecca Graetz, University of Wisconsin–Superior
Jeff Graveline, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB)
Jen Green, Barnard College
Celine Greene, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH)
Stacey Greenwell, University of Kentucky
Elisabeth Greenwood, University of Central Florida
Robert Griffiths, Ohio State
Amberlynn Grove, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Allan Gyorke, University of Miami
Chuck Haberle, Providence College
Rana Haddad, American University of Beirut
Colleen Hailey, Binghamton University
K. Dominique Hallett, Arkansas State University
Leslie Hammersmith, University of Illinois at Chicago
Lisa Hammonds, UNT Health Science Center
Heejin Han, University of Minnesota–OIT
Jessica Hanley, University of Toronto
Cris Harshman, A-B Tech
Winona Hatcher, Augusta University
Megan Hauser, CSU Online
Robin Havens, Penn State University
Doreen Hayek, University of Northern Iowa
Courtney Hebert, Louisiana State University
Karen Hein, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Anthony Helm, Dartmouth College
Jennifer Hendryx, University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh
Merinda Hensley, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
Kristin Herman, West Chester University
Ed Hill, Portland State University
Robert Hilliker, Rowan University
Lisa Hinchliffe, UIUC
Brad Hinson, University of Colorado Denver
Michelle Hobbins, Carthage College
Benjamin Hockenhull, Oberlin College
Thomas Hoover, University of Louisiana Monroe
Sharon Hope, University at Albany
Joe Horne, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Stephen Houser, Bowdoin College
Kelly Hoyland, IMS Global
Mary Hricko, Kent State University
Kerry Huberty, St Cloud State University
Elizabeth Huck, Penn State University
David Huckleberry, Purdue University–WL
Sarah Hutton, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sammy Hwang, University of Houston
Hannah Inzko, Wake Forest University
David Jaeger, Florida Gulf Coast University
Abi Johnson, The College of Saint Rose
Chris Johnson, University of Arizona
Gigi Johnson, UCLA
Sushma Jolly, California State University
Jason Jones, Trinity College (Hartford)
Rhiannon Jones, University of Calgary
Eva Jurczyk, University of Toronto
Peggy Kane, Lehigh University
Brandon Karcher, Bucknell University
Joanne Kehoe, McMaster University
Caitlin Keller, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Ilena Key, Lehigh University
Deborah Keyek-Franssen, University of Colorado System
Fadia Khouri, Universidad del Norte
Linda Kingston, Winona State University
Trip Kirkpatrick, Yale University Library
Rebecca Kirstein, Instructional Design Effects
Jonathan Klein, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Barbara Knauff, Dartmouth
Irene Knokh, University of Michigan
Brenda Knox, Wake Forest University
Douglas Koch, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Megan Kohler, Penn State
Thierry Koscielniak, Le Cnam
Wiebke Kuhn, Auburn University
Poonam Kumar, Saginaw Valley State University
Martha Kyrillidou, QualityMetrics, LLC
Clint Lalonde, BCcampus
Michael LaMagna, Delaware County Community College
Manika Lamba, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Delhi
Jennifer Lares, CSU, Long Beach
Deborah Lee, Mississippi State University Libraries
Reba-Anna Lee, Northwestern University–School of Professional Studies
Kathe Lehman-Meyer, St. Mary's University
Wei Li, Stevens Institute of Technology
Katie Linder, Oregon State University
Megan Linos, University of California Irvine
Jenna Linskens, Ithaca College
Ying-Hsiu Liu, University of Missouri
Yong Liu, Hebei Academy of Social Sciences in China
Joseph Lloyd, University of Central Florida
Cecilia Lo, University of Chicago
Dorothy Loftin, Oregon State University
Edward Lomax, West Virginia State University
Meris Longmeier, The Ohio State University
Isaac Lopp, Dickinson College
Denise Lowe, University of Central Florida
Angie Lowery, University of South Carolina
Sara Lubin, Boston University
Laura Lucas, St. Edward's University
Debra Luken, University of Central Florida
Yi Luo, Harvey Mudd College
TJ Lusher, Northern Illinois University
LaraNoelle Madden, Alaska Career College
Matthew Maderos, Boston University
Wendy Mahan, Penn State
Loren Malm, Ball State University
Mike Malsed, Claremont McKenna College
Nandita Mani, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chad Marchong, Georgia State University
Diana Marian, Boston University
Trina Marmarelli, Reed College
Eric Maslowski, MoxyTech
Megan Masters, University of Maryland
Deborah Mateik, University of Maryland
Rebecca Mattson, Penn State Law, Pennsylvania State University
Melanie Maxham, UMass Lowell
Chad Maxson, Olivet Nazarene University
Neetu Mayeux, Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady University
Marvin Mayo, California State University, Long Beach
Ryan McCabe, Finger Lakes Community College
Mark McCallister, University of Florida
Caitlin McClurg, University of Calgary
Sarah McConville, Colorado Community College System
Beth McCullough, Stanford University
Owen McGrath, UC Berkeley
Christena McKillop, University of Calgary
Kelly McVeigh, Delaware Technical Community College
Jessica Mentesoglu, UCLA
Adele Merlino, SUNY
Holly Miller, Florida Institute of Technology
Andrea Milligan, North Shore Community College
Megan Mitchell, Loyola University Chicago
Manisha Mittal, UNC Chapel Hill, School of Nursing
Bruce Montes, Loyola University Chicago
Susan Montgomery, Rollins College
Rob Morales, Maricopa Community Colleges
Ginny Moran, Macalester College
Erin Morgan, University of Texas at Arlington
Jacie Moriyama, University of Colorado Boulder
Wayne Morse, Emory University
Peter Mosinskis, CSU Channel Islands
Patsy Moskal, University of Central Florida
Joseph Murphy, Kenyon College
Ty Naylor, Weber State University
Caryn Neiswender, University of California, San Diego
Jim Nottingham, University of the Arts London
Jeff Nugent, Colgate University
Brendan O'Connell, Smith College Libraries
Jon Oliver, Rutgers University
Chris Olsen, National University of Health Sciences
Katy O'Neill, Loyola Notre Dame Library
Gobnait O'Riordan, University of Limerick
David O'Steen, Wellesley College
Rola Othman, Saint Xavier University
Chaohua Ou, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sue Owen, Federation University Australia
Papa Owusu-Kwarteng, Ohio University
James Paradiso, University of Central Florida
Enoch Park, UNC Charlotte
Jason Parkhill, Colby College
Jennifer Paustenbaugh, Brigham Young University
Renee Pfeifer-Luckett, University of Wisconsin System Administration
Minh Pham, University of Missouri
Jennifer Phillips, SVA NYC
Jim Phillips, UC Santa Cruz
Paul Pival, University of Calgary
Sherri Place, University of Pennsylvania
Beth Platte, Reed College
Susan Powelson, University of Calgary
Steven Premeau, University of Maine System
Zahra Premji, University of Calgary
Bart Pursel, The Pennsylvania State University
Zhen Qian, University of Michigan
John Raible, UCF
Victoria Raish, Penn State
Valerie Rake, The Ohio State University
Crystal Ramsay, Penn State
Annette Ready, University of Cincinnati
Elaine Reeder, Virginia Commonwealth University
Joel Reeves, University of Tennessee
Sharmaine Regisford, University of Washington
Eric Remy, Gettysburg College
Suzan Rhoades, Ottawa University
Tiffany Riccardelli, Rutgers University
Shannon Riggs, Oregon State Ecampus
Robin Robinson, Framingham State University
Stevie Rocco, Penn State
Alena Rodick, SUNY ESC
Chelsey Rogers, Cognella Publishing
Brian Rogers, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Annie Rota, Harvard University
Amanda Roth, University of California San Diego
Rachel Sale, Lincoln University (MO)
Zeenar Salim, Syracuse University
Ashley Salter, University of Central Florida
Rhasheema Sanders, California State University System Office
Rosie Sasso, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Natalka Sawchuk, Iona College
Beth Schaefer, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Kelly Scholl, Indiana University
Lia Schraeder, University of Nevada, Reno
Heidi Schroeder, University of South Florida
Marianne Schroeder, UBC
David Scozzaro, Loyola Marymount University
Sadik Shahadu, Global Open Initiative Foundation
Jeannine Shantz, Saint Joseph's University
Sya Shariff, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Julin Sharp, Marist College
Kylienne Shaul, The Ohio State University
Kelsey Sheaffer, Clemson University
Holly Shiflett, FutureLearn
Raffi Simonian, UCLA
Meghan Sitar, University of Michigan Library
Jason Smith, Pomona College
Robert Smith, Stanford University
Sara Smith, Western Carolina University
Obiageli Sneed, Arizona State University
Holim Song, Texas Southern University
Deborah Spiro, Nassau Community College
Jennifer Spohrer, Bryn Mawr College
Kate Sprague, Webster University
Janet Stakerwoerner, University of Wisconsin Madison
Lisa Stephens, U Buffalo and SUNY System Admin
Marc Stoeckle, University of Calgary
Sharon Streams, OCLC
John Stroud, Stella and Charles Guttman Community College–CUNY
Corrinne Stull, University of Central Florida
Amy Sugar, Rollins College
Jann Sutton, University of North Florida
David Tatem, Trinity College
Barbara Taylor, California State University San Marcos
Mary Thompson, UW-Madison
Derek Thurber, Arizona State University
Maureen Toews, Red Deer College
Jessica Tojo, University of Central Florida
Paula Torres, New York University
Ashley Turner, Swarthmore College
Nancy Turner, Temple University
Raymond Uzwyshyn, Texas State University
Erin Valentino, Bowdoin College
Peter van Leusen, Arizona State University
Krista Vaught, University of Florida Levin College of Law
Anu Vedantham, Princeton University
Samantha Veneruso, Montgomery College
Todd Vens, Iowa State University
L. Michael Verdusco, University of Detroit Mercy
Rayne Vieger, University of Oregon
Diana Voss, Stony Brook University
Brad Warren, University of Cincinnati
Nicole Weber, University of Wisconsin–Whitewater
Gregory Wells, Colorado State University
Andrew White, Wesleyan University
Krista White, Rutgers University–Newark
Maria Widmer, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Ted Wilder, Macalester College
Matthew Wilk, Rutgers University
Meegan Willi, Grand Rapids Community College
Ally Williams, Frontier Nursing University
Joe Williams, UNC Chapel Hill
Kai Williams, Pace University
Mathew Williams, University of California, Irvine
Cameron Wills, Northern Illinois University
Fatimah Wirth, Georgia Institute of Technology
Sara Wright, Cornell University
Shelly Wyatt, University of Central Florida
Helen Wybrants, IADT Dún Laoghaire
Hailey Wyman, Westminster College
Fran Yarger, University of Pittsburgh
Cagri Yildirim, Newcastle University (UK)
Justin York, University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign
Patrick Yott, Northeastern University Library
Amy Zachek, University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Donna Ziegenfuss, University of Utah

ID2ID Participants

Congratulations to the 2019–2020 cohort of ID2ID Program badge earners! These hardworking individuals engaged with a community of instructional design colleagues across higher education institutions that share the same passion for advancing teaching and learning. Badge earners completed a rigorous set of program requirements to earn this recognition. Your dedication to contributing to the field of instructional design is greatly appreciated!

The ID2ID Program is a joint offering of the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative and Penn State. For more information about the program, go to and sign up to receive updates about future program offerings.

ID2ID participants coming soon!