One Click at a Time: How Net Savvy Learners Are Transforming Educational Institutions

Thursday, August 16, 2007 | 9:15AM–10:00AM | Black Box Studio (Room 2B10) - Level 2B
Session Type: Professional Development

The introduction of new media tools and texts inevitably creates social tension as the roles of information receivers, producers, and gatekeepers shift with the changing literacy landscape. In particular, the traditional relationship between alphabetic literacy and schooling gives way to a complex and expansive view of multiple, critical literacies and their uses. How can educational institutions rethink the literacy and learning connection within the context of pervasive communication devices and shared knowledge networks? Instead of focusing on the challenges of integrating net savvy students into existing institutional practices, an assets model for new media education leverages everyday literacy skills and enlists students as partners in the design of relevant, customized, and dynamic learning environments in a digital world.


  • Kathleen Tyner

    Assocaite Professor, Radio-TV-Film, University of Texas at Austin

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