Student Success Plan: Improving Retention and Success with Open-Source Software

Wednesday, April 11 | 2:15PM–2:30PM
Session Type: Professional Development

The Student Success Plan (SSP) supports and enables processes and interventions designed to increase the persistence, success, and graduation rates of targeted students. Through holistic counseling, web-based support systems, and intervention techniques, students who are at risk of failing in college are identified, supported, and monitored. SSP includes case management tools, a journal of contact with students, early alerts, an individual action plan, and student self-help tools. SSP has a documented record of success in improving student outcomes; it received 11 national awards and been adopted by five other colleges. You'll learn how SSP has impacted our student success, retention, and completion rates; how we collect and measure data; what we have planned for the future of SSP as open-source software; how the zero-cost license works; and how we plan to make the tool sustainable. You'll also learn how and why others have undertaken SSP implementation projects and get a rough estimate of resource needs.