Backgrounds and Behaviors of MOOC Participants and Implications for Faculty

Thursday, April 04, 2013 | 1:05PM–1:35PM
Session Type: Professional Development

In spring 2012, the first MIT/edX MOOC, "Circuits and Electronics" (6.002x), was open to students around the world. A team of researchers from MIT and Harvard has been analyzing data generated by the course, including scores on homework, labs, and exams; discussion board posts; and the results of a survey given to course completers. The goal of the study is to help both faculty and designers improve MOOCs, as well as to strengthen the use of online materials in residential courses. In this focus session, we will describe the study and encourage participant discussion of the implications of those findings for researchers and instructors. You'll learn about the diversity of MOOC participants, understand how research may be undertaken on MOOCs, and identify and discuss opportunities and challenges for MOOC faculty based on input from research.


  • Andrew Ho

    Professor of Education, Harvard University

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