Multiple Lessons Learned from Implementing MOOC Environments at San Jose State University

Thursday, April 04, 2013 | 1:35PM–2:05PM
Session Type: Professional Development
Provost Ellen Junn will briefly describe how SJSU partnered with two MOOC providers (edX and Udacity) to offer four courses for college credit. She'll summarize a number of significant implications, insights, and challenges that arose from implementing MOOC-like learning environments for students including issues ranging from assessing student learning outcomes, shifting faculty workloads, and changing pedagogy to addressing legal issues such as intellectual property. Learn about the differences between various MOOC providers and their respective pedagogies and identify critical factors in determining if MOOC environments are appropriate for your campus. Explore the implementation and complex consequences of MOOC learning environments for students, faculty, and your institution and gain advice and insights from institutions considering adoption and implementation of MOOC environments.