Using an Open-Source Platform to Meet Online Learning Goals: An Introduction to Class2Go
As universities dive deeper into online learning and MOOCs, what role can a platform play in meeting online learning goals? At Stanford, we discovered that developing and using the Class2Go open-source platform opened up new possibilities for online learning and gave us the freedom to experiment with a variety of online learning models. Benefits included control over branding, the capability to add features in response to faculty design needs, and the ability to share content with other universities (e.g., for wrapped MOOCs) on our own terms. Join this session to learn about Class2Go and how your university may benefit from using this open-source platform (even if you are already using another platform). In this session, we'll review information about Class2Go and reflect on it uses meet online learning goals, including offering MOOCs, and identify the benefits of using an open-source platform for online learning, including for MOOCs.