Designing for Online and Blended Courses
NOTE: The times listed are in EASTERN TIME.
While learning managements systems like Moodle and Blackboard are still popular choices for facilitating online and augmented courses, these systems are being challenged by "small tools, loosely joined" approaches to instructional design. This workshop will outline various pedagogical approaches used to construct learning environments based on freely available or low-cost tools. Participants will learn the ins and outs of some of the most common and powerful tools while coming to understand the pedagogical frameworks afforded by distributed learning environment design. Both closed and open models of learning will be explored throughout the workshop.
Learning Objectives: Understand the role of social media in rich learning environments and the importance of openness for authentic student learning | Understand the concept of "small tools, loosely joined" vs. LMS design | Understand the importance of data portability and student-owned spaces in lifelong learning
Professor, University of Regina