Beyond Active Learning

Wednesday, October 29 | 1:05PM–1:30PM
Session Type: Professional Development
There is a coming conundrum in learning space design. The pedagogical approach to instruction we know as "active learning" is transforming classroom design toward a student-centered, project- and team-based model. Meanwhile, developments in learning analytics and competency-based modular instruction as well as the disruption in the economics of higher education are forecasting an unbundling of courses, semesters, and other time-honored institutional traditions. How will we reconcile the personalization of learning with the design of learning space? What will the classroom of the future look like?

OUTCOMES: Understand the essential components of an active learning classroom *Learn about technology developments impacting teaching and learning *Explore design concepts for future learning space.


  • Mark Valenti

    President, The Sextant Group, Inc.

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