Learning Space Design: University-Wide Design Coordination

Tuesday, October 28 | 1:40PM–2:00PM
Session Type: Professional Development
Most universities are refurbishing, renovating, or building new learning spaces every year, spending millions of dollars in the process. Bringing design thinking to such a complex activity with a wide array of stakeholders is a significant challenge, but one that can yield large savings and enhance the student experience. Through the efforts of a senior Learning Space Design Principles Group, coupled with a large-scale physical prototyping facility, both learning activities and coordinated planning can be achieved. Such an effort is under way at the University of Queensland.

OUTCOMES: Discuss UQ learning space principles and their localization to real spaces * Take home the learning space design charrette guidelines * Explore the activity space mapping survey instrument * Discover approaches to using physical prototyping methods to test design assertions and experiment with proposed learning-activity and enabling-technology combinations surfacing practical constraints and opportunities with faculty who will have to live with the outcomes


  • Phil Long

    Senior Scholar - CNDLS, Georgetown University