The Active Learning Ecosystem Reimagined: Pedagogy, Technology, and Space

Tuesday, October 28 | 1:15PM–1:55PM
Session Type: Professional Development

Technology is often the Band-Aid for education's woes. Millions are spent on technology each year, trying unsuccessfully to make a difference where it counts: students' success. A more holistic look at the ecosystem of an active learning environment, the pedagogy, technology, and space helps envision what a true, deep learning experience might allow. It takes an active teacher for active learning to occur. First, educators have to teach differently. Then, knowing what the pedagogy might be, a strategy can be built for the technology and spatial needs. One builds on the next.

OUTCOMES: Learn about a guiding Active Learning Ecosystem Framework *Learn how research should be guiding decision making *Learn about innovative solutions using the framework and research as guiding constructs


  • Lennie Scott-Webber

    Director, Education Environments, Steelcase Education

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