The Design and Assessment of Next-Gen Flex Classrooms

Wednesday, October 29 | 2:00PM–2:25PM
Session Type: Professional Development
Stanford University has designed and built a number of advanced resource classrooms, including those in Wallenberg Hall, which opened in 2002. The iterative work of evaluation and design has continued, and this session will cover two of the resulting spaces. The first is a reconceiving and remodel of the Peter Wallenberg Learning Theater, a medium-sized (55 students) flex classroom; the second is a large (150 students) flex classroom optimized for small group work that circumvents most of the spatial and interaction constraints of the prevailing solutions. This session will cover the motivations for the designs, the enabling technologies, and the design and implementation of the assessment programs and report on experiences with the learning spaces.

OUTCOMES: Receive an overview of small group classroom approaches and our preliminary observations * Learn about enabling technologies and user orientations * Receive assessment design and goals for near-, mid-, and long-term evaluation


  • Bob Smith

    Director, Classroom Innovation, Stanford University

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