California State University Digital Ambassadors Program: Empowering Leadership and Innovation in Academic Technologies and Faculty Development
Since 2011, the California State University Digital Ambassadors Program has transformed teaching and learning through the increased use of emerging and online technologies. The STEM Teacher Ed Digital Ambassadors focus on teacher preparation at the undergraduate and credential levels. Ambassadors are faculty leaders who champion the use of educational technologies within their respective campuses, engage faculty and educational stakeholders in sharing exemplary practices for campus-specific and K-12 outreach initiatives, and function as a centralized resource for their academic and educational communities. They produce documentation and scholarship of teaching and learning as they lead, collaborate with, and mentor colleagues and students.
Outcomes: Learn how to make staff and faculty responsible for faculty development initiatives on your campus * Learn how to design your own Digital Ambassadors program * Determine if a Digital Ambassadors Program would be a useful strategy to advance your campus initiative(s)
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Academic Technology Services, California State University, Office of the Chancellor
Jessica Parker