Collaborative Creation of an Instructional Technology Deck: A Proof of Concept from the NWACC Instructional Technology Group
The NWACC Instructional Technology Group is developing a deck of Teaching with Technology cards. Each card features an educational technology, technique, or tip for teaching effectively, along with references. Because the deck addresses topics universal to our institutions, content is broadly relevant. With content that is both practical/procedural and backed by research, the deck provides an evidence-based guide tailored to faculty needs. Our initial goal is to produce a 24-card deck. Our larger ambition is maintaining a repository of topics for an expanding and customizable deck. This project aims to establish an effective collaborative process while creating a useful product.
Outcomes: Provide an example of a faculty development tool that helps build trusting relationships and offers practical tips * Identify projects well-suited to collaborative construction * Explain failed and successful strategies for maintaining enthusiasm and building collaboration among diverse institutions and individuals
Director, Center for Languages and International Collaboration, Pacific University