EduPass: A Digital Badge Journey to Professional Learning at UA

Wednesday, April 02 | 3:15PM–3:30PM
Session Type: Professional Development

The University of Alaska is developing an EduPass program to explore a model for awarding digital badge credentials to encourage professional learning activities. Reaching beyond paper certificates for seat time, the awards will be coupled with further incentives, such as promotion/tenure, institutional recognition, faculty mentor opportunities, and national professional development programs. EduPass is themed around a travel passport, with participation levels of Tourist, Voyager, and Navigator. Badge levels graduate from exploration to creation to contribution, with evidence posted in an open online environment. A complimentary printed passport with stamps adds low-stakes engagement to the motivational fictional environment.

Outcomes: Explore various planning strategies for a professional learning digital badge initiative through various templates and models * Learn about digital badges concepts through planning and creation templates * Interact with a learning game scenario and earn your own digital badge (and bragging rights)


  • Sarah Frick

    University of Alaska Anchorage

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