Online Faculty Development at Scale: The Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence
SUNY has been a pioneer and leader in online education for over 20 years, and this success has been made possible by a vibrant community of researchers, instructional designers, librarians, technologists, and online educators. To build on this strong foundation, SUNY has launched the Open SUNY Center for Online Teaching Excellence, which celebrates, connects, and nurtures effective online education practitioners across the SUNY system while furthering our knowledge of the most effective teaching and learning practices in online education.
Outcomes: Learn how we leverage our "SUNY systemness" and partner with our campuses to engage and connect the community of online education experts across the vast 64-campus SUNY system * Scale distinctive and comprehensive development opportunities to faculty directly and in conjunction with their home campuses * Support faculty with resources needed for course development and enhancement in conjunction with their home campuses * Encourage scholarship in online teaching and learning practices to meet the needs of today's diverse learners and pursue research-driven innovations that increase online teaching and learning effectiveness
Director, Online Teaching, SUNY Online, SUNY System Administration