Teaching, Learning, and Technology: Leadership That Brings It All Together
The 21st-century learning environment includes a variety of pedagogies, spaces, and technology that show promise for improved student learning experiences. In 2014, leadership at the University of Iowa decided to invest in a coordinated support system for faculty and instructors to improve educational delivery to students in this modern environment.
The ITS Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology was created from three existing faculty support centers and quickly began delivering positive results. This session will explore the leadership lessons learned from building this new faculty support structure and creating campus buy-in in light of faculty resistance.
Participants will develop a successful risk mitigation plan for change management; identify the elements and stakeholders needed for a successful change management engagement and delivery strategy; plan and implement a successful communication and engagement strategy for buy-in; and measure and report successes for continued buy-in.
Executive Director, ITS Office of Teaching, Learning & Technology, The University of Iowa