A Leader’s Framework for Higher Ed Innovation

Tuesday, November 13 | 5:00PM–12:00AM ET
Session Type: Virtual
Delivery Format: Additional On-Demand Content
This session is designed for senior leadership (CIO, provost, president, VP, director level) committed to innovation as a response to uncertainty in the broader education ecosystem. Leaders from HAIL (thehailstorm.org) will guide participants through a framework design focused on the four Ms of innovation: mission, methods, models, and metrics.

Outcomes: Articulate change pressures and describe existing innovation models across the higher ed innovation landscape * Assess institutional capacity for innovation, in alignment with mission * Apply best practices in innovation models, methods, and metrics


  • Kristen Eshleman

    Vice President of Library & Information Technology, Trinity College
  • Matthew Rascoff

    Associate Vice Provost for Digital Education and Innovation, Duke University

Resources & Downloads

  • Slides

    788 KB, pdf - Updated on 1/22/2024
  • Transcript

    159 KB, pdf - Updated on 1/22/2024
  • Recording

    Updated on 1/22/2024