Designing Learning Spaces with Learning Theory in Mind
Join Malcolm Brown, EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative director, and Veronica Diaz, ELI associate director, as they moderate this webinar with Scott McDonald. From K-12 schools to institutions of higher education, there is an increasing emphasis and investment in developing spaces to support student learning. Space is becoming the hidden technology in learning that can support face-to-face student interactions, as well as how digital tools can be blended into face-to-face contexts. This webinar will draw on contemporary theories of learning and research on learning spaces to offer design principles for learning spaces. Learning spaces are often taken for granted as simply a place where the learning happens, but this webinar will lay out the case that space can play as important a role in supporting new kinds of teaching as other technologies. Design principles will address and provide examples in the areas of engagement, activity, flexibility, and access.
Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State University