Building Capacity for Analytics with Existing Staff and Agile Structures

Friday, April 19 | 8:00AM–8:45AM PT | Barcelona/Casablanca, Third Floor
Session Type: Breakout Session
With the pressure to keep costs down, institutions are cautious about adding new staff lines, even with the immense promise of analytics. When is the right time to create an analytics position? When can existing staff be redirected to support analytics? Where is it best to locate analytics positions: in functional departments or a central analytics group? These questions will be discussed by sharing the skill sets needed for a successful analytics program and strategies to identify existing high-potential staff. Three organizational structures will be proposed (consultant, networked, and migratory), with examples from Bowdoin's experience building institutional capacity.

Outcomes: Understand that a successful analytics program requires skilled staff * Learn strategies to develop analytics talent within your institution * Apply 3 organizational structure models to your institution


  • Tina Finneran

    Senior Vice President for Institutional Research, Analytics & Consulting, Bowdoin College

Resources & Downloads

  • Building Capacity for Analytics with Existing Staff and Agile Structures

    Updated on 11/26/2019