Seminar 01P - Leveraging Web 2.0 Tools to Foster Deeper Learning and Engagement
PLEASE NOTE: Separate registration and fee are required to attend this seminar.

Monday, March 28, 2011 | 2:00PM–5:30PM | Room 552 B
Session Type: Professional Development
Launched in October 2010, Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC) is a new effort to identify and scale technology-enabled approaches that dramatically improve college readiness and completion. Central to that effort is the underlying assumption that by utilizing today's tools-wikis, blogs, digital media, and virtual worlds-we can build learning environments that accelerate and deepen learning for our students. In this interactive workshop, we'll explore deeper learning and engagement by dissecting the underlying pedagogy, exploring classroom activities that leverage today's Web 2.0 tools, and developing a collective blueprint for supporting student engagement in and beyond the classroom using current and emerging technologies.
