MOOCs in Higher Education: Options, Affordances, and Potential Pitfalls

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 | 2:50PM–3:40PM | West Prefunction Area
Session Type: NC13

The year 2012 has seen, without a doubt, a lot of news, opinion, banter, and some research on massive online open courses. While this experimental form of online learning isn't entirely new, it's caught the eye of institutions of higher education and investors. With all the talk of Coursera, Udacity, and our local initiative edX, it's important not to get boxed into one way of thinking about MOOCs. This poster aims to showcase some of the MOOC delivery options as well as the pedagogical and institutional implications around them. This session is of interest to technologists, instructors, and upper-level university administrators.


  • Apostolos Koutropoulos

    Online Program Manager, University of Massachusetts Boston

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