SEM01Z-Senior Leadership Forum: Metrics That Matter (separate registration required) - Sponsored by Atrion Networking Corporation

Monday, March 11, 2013 | 2:00PM–6:00PM | Room 551
Session Type: NC13
This event will allow senior IT and library leaders to step back from the pressures of daily work and reflect on larger goals, trends, and opportunities at the discipline, institutional, and societal levels. This program will reengage us in big-picture thinking through a mix of presentations, panel discussions, and opportunities for facilitated exchange of ideas and solutions in the areas of learning analytics, operational metrics, and institutional and strategic performance indicators. We will explore ways to answer these questions: Are we doing the right things? Are we doing them the right way? Are we doing them well? How do we compare to others in our peer group? And are we getting the expected benefits?


  • Marti Harris

    Analyst, Gartner Inc
  • Lee Hisle

  • Patrick Laughran

    Chief Information Officer, Framingham State University
  • Tracy Shinn

    Associate Vice Chancellor & Chief Information Officer, University of California, Berkeley
  • Bill Thirsk

  • Dawn Thistle

  • Pennie Turgeon