By the Way, Accessibility

Wednesday, March 26, 2014 | 4:50PM–5:40PM | Room 554
Session Type: Professional Development
By the way, accessibility is still a thing. It is the most neglected software standard, even though it's the law. I aim to inform what the law says we have to do, and what we should be doing as software developers in the educational space. I will discuss a case study of how I transitioned an existing application to be "more accessible" without losing a ton of time. I want developers and their managers to understand that this isn't something hard. We can do a better job with this; we should be doing a better job with this.

OBJECTIVES: Understand what is legally required in educational software development and what that really means * Be able to identify the low-hanging fruit of accessibility and realize that meeting some of the basic accessibility requirements isn't difficult * Gain confidence about the sometimes mysterious topic of software accessibility within the scope of educational technology * Understand which resources are important to reference when trying to build accessible software


  • JaZahn Clevenger

    Senior Software Engineer, Harvard University