SEM01-IT Management Forum: Taking the Lead: Being a Strategic IT Manager or Director (separate registration required)

Monday, March 24, 2014 | 1:00PM–6:00PM | Room 551
Session Type: Professional Development
Please join us for our first IT Management Forum, designed to engage managers and directors who may or may not aspire to the CIO (senior leader) position. The afternoon will begin with a networking lunch, where you can catch up with colleagues and develop new connections. Our interactive program will feature Tim Hebert of Atrion Networking Corporation. Following the afternoon refreshment break, the format will shift to allow for a panel and roundtable discussions focused on the IT continuum, where participants will share their perspectives with senior IT and library leaders.

Taking the Lead: Being a Strategic IT Manager or Director

Being a manager or director requires an understanding of the larger political and organizational nuances involved when making IT decisions. While staff often feel these are at odds with what "makes sense," this role is in the position to translate the vision of the organization to daily action. Our speaker will guide participants to think more strategically about their role in higher ed IT and how to position themselves to maximize their value to the CIO.

Panel and Table Discussions

During the second part of the event, participants will join the Senior Leadership Forum for a panel and roundtable discussions about the future of IT senior leadership in higher education. The IT continuum, succession planning, the "graying of IT"—whatever name you apply, there's no question that there's a looming need for current IT leaders to consider the next generation that will someday take their place. The skills required of an effective CIO and path to becoming one have changed dramatically over the past two decades. What can institutions do to better prepare their organizations for change? What can aspiring leaders do to better position themselves for advancement within their current institutions or elsewhere? These topics will be discussed by a panel of IT leaders in different points in their careers and continued in roundtable discussions.

Please join your colleagues and fellow managers at this NERCOMP 2014 preconference seminar!


  • Dave Baird

    VP/CIO, Wesleyan University
  • Marla Botelho

  • Kevin Brassard

  • Linda Hilton

    Retired CIO, Vermont State Colleges
  • Jean Madden-Hennessey

    eLearner Developer(currently), Retired CIO, University of Connecticut