Supporting Digital Scholarship with Omeka

Tuesday, March 25 | 12:30PM–1:20PM | Room 552B
Session Type: Professional Development
In early 2013, the Library and Technology Services staff began exploring Omeka—an open-source digital collection platform—to support research and pedagogy at Wellesley College as part of the new Digital Scholarship Initiatives program. By the end of the year, Omeka was being used to support three different courses and two major projects, a scholarly archive, and a crowdsourced transcription project. The unique features of the platform make it especially appealing as a tool to support diverse digital scholarship projects. This session will discuss the successes and challenges of using Omeka to support a new and growing Digital Scholarship Initiatives program.

OBJECTIVES: Understand several specific use cases of the Omeka platform to support teaching and research * Understand the hosting options available and the basics requirements for server administration * Understand how Omeka fits into the landscape of traditional library/IT services as they are reframed as digital scholarship support services


  • Jenifer Bartle

    Manager, Digital Scholarship Initiatives, Wellesley College
  • Kara Hart

    Systems Librarian, Wellesley College