Confessions of Active Learning Space Committees

Wednesday, April 01 | 9:30AM–10:20AM | Room 550
Session Type: Professional Development
Join panelists from Bryant University and Charter Oak State College as they provide a "lightning round" review in 25 minutes of four different active learning spaces developed on campuses. Participants will then spend 30 minutes in a question and answer session with panelists to share tips, tricks, strategies, and major hurdles to transforming people, pedagogy, and places into active learning environments. Panelists will include a technologist, faculty, project managers, and administrators who will share their experiences in developing and using these transformative spaces.

OUTCOMES: Project Management Methodologies * Classroom design ideas and prototypes * Experiential methodologies of interactive in-class instruction * Processes for onboarding academic leadership and faculty


  • George Claffey

    VP & Chief Information Officer, Central Connecticut State University
  • Philip Lombardi

    Director, Academic Computing & Media Services, Bryant University

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