Enhancing Virtual Communities through VoiceThread

Wednesday, March 23, 2016 | 2:30PM–3:10PM | West Prefunction Area
Session Type: Professional Development
With the inherent virtual community created in an online course, student collaboration is often limited with traditional text-based discussion boards. VoiceThread, a cloud-based collaborative discussion tool, allows students to record and upload videos, audio, images, or documents in order to create engaging presentations. The presentations can then be shared and commented on by an entire class, with each student choosing their preferred method of engagement. This presentation will cover the use of VoiceThread to enhance online communities, including examples of both instructor- and student-led presentations.

Outcomes: Recognize the advantages of using virtual discussion programs to foster productive online engagement * Visualize the practical applications of VoiceThread in online courses * Learn how to implement VoiceThread into online learning environments


  • Susan Riello

    Part-time Faculty, Quinnipiac University